Derivative of trig Function Help


New member
Oct 10, 2008
I have been trying to take the derivative of this trig function but I keep getting it wrong please show the steps to solve this derivative:

mop969 said:
I have been trying to take the derivative of this trig function but I keep getting it wrong
Please show your steps, so we can "see" where you're having trouble. Thank you! :wink:
Well I took the product rule of the function and got a final answer of cscx-csc^3x+(x+cotx)(cscxtanx). I dont know what is wrong?
mop969 said: a final answer of cscx-csc^3x+(x+cotx)(cscxtanx). I dont know what is wrong?
Unfortunately, since you still haven't shown your work, there is no way for us to locate your error(s). Sorry! :oops:

At a guess, you may need to review your trig derivatives...? :wink:

\(\displaystyle \text{It's hard to see your work from here . . . }\)

\(\displaystyle \text{But it looks like you played the }K\heartsuit\text{ instead of the }7\spadesuit\)

. . \(\displaystyle \text{and you transposed to the key of }F\sharp\text{ major instead of }B\flat\text{ minor.}\)
Sorry my second step was cscx(1-csc^2x)+(x+cotx)(cscxtanx) This is what I got when I took the derivatives of the original function using the product rule. Please help!
Follow the link (provided earlier) to refresh your memory regarding the trig derivatives. The errors appear to have occurred there. :wink:
mop969 said:
I have been trying to take the derivative of this trig function but I keep getting it wrong please show the steps to solve this derivative:


product rule is:

If f = u * v

then f' = u' * v + v' * u


u = csc(x)..........u' = - cot(x) * csc(x)

v = x + cot(x)......v' = 1 + csc[sup:3dihd6uy]2[/sup:3dihd6uy](x)

Now put those together......
I messed up with the derivatives of the trig functions. Thanks for the help everyone!
\(\displaystyle f(x) \ = \ [csc(x)][x+cot(x)] \ = \ \bigg[\frac{1}{sin(x)}\bigg]\bigg[x+\frac{cos(x)}{sin(x)}\bigg]\)

\(\displaystyle = \ \bigg[\frac{x}{sin(x)}+\frac{cos(x)}{sin^{2}(x)}\bigg] \ = \ \frac{xsin(x)+cos(x)}{sin^{2}(x)}.\)

\(\displaystyle \ D_x \bigg[\frac{xsin(x)+cos(x)}{sin^{2}(x)}\bigg]=\frac{sin^{2}(x)[sin(x)+xcos(x)-sin(x)]-[xsin(x)+cos(x)][2sin(x)cos(x)]}{sin^{4}(x)}\)

\(\displaystyle = \ \frac{xsin^{2}(x)cos(x)-2xsin^{2}(x)cos(x)-2sin(x)cos^{2}(x)}{sin^{4}(x)} \ = \ \frac{-3xsin^{2}(x)cos(x)-2sin(x)cos^{2}(x)}{sin^{4}(x)}\)

\(\displaystyle = \ \frac{-3xsin(x)cos(x)-2cos^{2}(x)}{sin^{3}(x)}, We \ could \ stop \ here, \ but \ I'll \ go \ on.\)

\(\displaystyle = \ \frac{-3xsin(x)cos(x)}{sin^{3}(x)} \ \frac{-2cos^{2}(x)}{sin^{3}(x)} \ = \ -3xcot(x)csc(x)-2cot^{2}(x)csc(x)\)

\(\displaystyle = \ [ cot(x)csc(x)][-3x-2cot(x)], QED\)