I have got ask why anyone would want a student to use u-substitution to find a derivative?
I am even apposed to using u-substitution for basic integrals.
You u-substituters have got to face reality.
In less that fifteen years calculus textbooks will not have chapters on techniques of integration.
Sites like wolframalpha will make all that obsolete. That app is available on any mobile device.
If you are someone who thinks that student demands do not drive educational policy, you are delusional.
Keith Devlin wrote on this at the MAA website almost 15 years ago.
For example, if our students do not grasp at once \(\displaystyle \int {\frac{{{e^x}dx}}{{1 + {e^{2x}}}}}\) do not grasp at once that is an arctan form then you have failed to teach methods integration.
I agree whole hearty.