Derivative of Integrals FTC


New member
Feb 17, 2017
The problem I'm trying to figure out is 8.4. I understand what's going on but the part I get stuck at is how do I write the function of the integral of et^2 from x to 1 as a function of (sin(u)) over (u). I have to leave it as an integral because when plugging it in, it's not the derivative as apposed to applying chain rule.


Thanks so much for the help!
The "Fundamental Theorem of Calculus", FTC, that you cite, says that \(\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx}\int_a^x f(t)dt= f(x)\). "Leibniz's formula" extends that:
\(\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx}\int_{u(x)}^{v(x)} f(t,x) dt= \frac{dv}{dx}f(v(x),x)- \frac{du}{dx}f(u(x),x)+ \int_{u(x)}^{v(x)}\frac{\partial f(t,x)}{\partial x} dt\).

Here, \(\displaystyle u(x)= \int_1^x e^{t^2}dt\), \(\displaystyle v(x)= x^2\) and the integrand is not a function of x so that third term is 0. Yes, you will need to write \(\displaystyle f(u(x), x)\) as \(\displaystyle \frac{sin\left(\int_1^x e^{t^2}dt\right)}{\int_1^x e^{t^2}dt}\) which cannot be simplified.
Wow thanks man, I suppose it's simple enough. I was scared I'd might have to learn IBP :rolleyes:.