Lets say I have a cube which volume is V = a*a*a. Then, I have N spheres (holes) in the cube(which do not overlay each other) with coordinates X,Y,Z, and radius R. My task is to slice the cube(perpendicularly to Y) into M slices and each slice must have same volume. Any ideas?
What I have found out yet:
I can find volume of one slice (volume of cube - volume of holes and divided by number of slices). Then I know that since the slice is perpendicular to Y, I only have to know Y of spheres. Any suggestions? Thank you.
What I have found out yet:
I can find volume of one slice (volume of cube - volume of holes and divided by number of slices). Then I know that since the slice is perpendicular to Y, I only have to know Y of spheres. Any suggestions? Thank you.
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