Cramer's Rule


New member
Sep 10, 2012
Hello everyone, first let me apologize if I have put this question in the wrong forum. I am struggling with Cramer's Rule for my engineering class. I have looked on the internet, but what's throwing me off is that some of the numbers involve the letter j which represents the imaginary number. Can someone explain to me how to do it? Thanks. I also placed the answer in the picture. ThanksCramer's rule.jpg
Yes, some texts use "j" for the "imaginary", in order to distinguish the "imaginary" from the designator for current.

However, I can't imagine how a ratio of determinant expressions (which should result in a rational expression) is ending up being a multiple of an angle measure (I think). It might help if you posted the entire exercise, so we had the context. Thank you! ;)
Sorry, I did as much work as I can on paper, its just I use that paint application so I can paste the picture on here and it takes really long. But on the bright side, I FINALLY figured it out and understand it. Thanks for your assistance everyone.