Cost word problem 4

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New member
Aug 8, 2012
How to set up this problem?

The U-Drive Company charges $20 per day plus 22 cents per mile driven. For a one-day trip, Louis paid a rent charge of $66.20. How many miles did he drive?
We do not teach courses, on these boards. We are here to assist students who already have some idea of what they are supposed to do.

Please begin explaining what you've thought about or tried, thus far.

If you have no clues whatsoever, or you are unable to form a specific question, then you need to chat up your instructor.

Cheers :cool:
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ if you do not want help me. Then that is just fine. You are about same worse college professor that I had previously. I had never experience this my entire life. I can go and get help from someone else. I am trying to figure this stuff out the best way that I can. I tried these word problems on a piece on my own. I read it five or more times. It was a waste my of time for register for site in the first place. I ask you to just set up the problem and you refuse to do it. You did not have solve any of it. You can kick me off this site for all I care. I am not asking anymore questions from you ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ since you want to have an nasty attitude and get all huffy. This is how I get treated like I am nobody. Only a few good would help you and feel sorry for you, and obviously you are not one of them. You are not only the person that treated like I am nothing. I came on this website for help which was mistake and a waste of my time, and I did not ask you to teach or explain me nothing you make it seem that way. I do not have trouble with all word problems. It is certain kind of word problems that I cannot figure out. I am done with this website for good. Yes, I am upset because on some of problems I ask you did I set up the problem correctly and you got rude and disrespectful about that. When you set up the problem for me, I can understand it better. I am getting help from someone else, and they are very nice and polite.
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Perhaps the problem is your lack of ability with English. You did not ask for help, you asked for someone to tell you how to do this problem- that will not help you learn. You certainly do not know the meaning of the word "sarastic"- there was no sarcasm in what mmm4444bot wrote- he simply made a statement of fact. If you had been able to read the information you were asked to read when you registered for this forum you would have realised that you are expected to show what you have been able to do yourself on the problem- that way we will not what hints and suggestions will help. If you don't accept that, do not come back here. From the attitude you have shown so far, this forum will be none the worse off.

As for "nice and polite", surely you realize that mmm4444bot was far more "nice and polite" than you were?
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I tried these word problems on a piece on my own.

I would like to have seen some of that effort, like you showed in your first few threads.

Perhaps, I would have been able to give you some more pointers.

I am glad to learn that you found an acceptable tutor; I wish you good fortune.

Goodbye :cool:
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