Hi. Not sure where to put this.
Ability A has 9 seconds cooldown.
Ability B has 15 seconds cooldown. Everytime you use Ability B. The cooldown of Ability A is reduced by 5 seconds.
What's the equation to use to figure out the overall cooldown of Ability A (considering Ability B), ie. how many times can you use A in 60 seconds.
Is there any quick equation to figure this out without having to manually count every second ?
Ability A has 9 seconds cooldown.
Ability B has 15 seconds cooldown. Everytime you use Ability B. The cooldown of Ability A is reduced by 5 seconds.
What's the equation to use to figure out the overall cooldown of Ability A (considering Ability B), ie. how many times can you use A in 60 seconds.
Is there any quick equation to figure this out without having to manually count every second ?