convex function and convex set


New member
Jul 9, 2013
convex function and convex set(please answer 5#)

Please answer #5, where I put my questions more specific. Thank you very much!

Considering a constrained nonlinear programming (NLP) problem\[min \quad f({\bf x}) \quad {\bf x}\in \mathbb{R}^{n} \]\[s.t. \quad g_{i}({\bf x})\leq 0 \quad i=1,2,...,N \]\[\quad\quad h_{j}({\bf x})=0 \quad j=1,2,...,M \]
Where \(\displaystyle g_{i}({\bf x})\) and \(\displaystyle h_{j}({\bf x})\) is twice continuously differentiable. The feasible region \(\displaystyle S=\{{\bf x}|g_{i}({\bf x}),h_{j}({\bf x}),\forall i,j\}\). It is known that if \(\displaystyle g_{i}({\bf x})\) is convex and \(\displaystyle h_{j}({\bf x})\) is affinely linear for \(\displaystyle {\bf x}\in \mathbb{R}^{n}\), \(\displaystyle S\) is a convex set. However, in my problem, \(\displaystyle g_{i}({\bf x})\) and \(\displaystyle h_{j}({\bf x})\) is indefinite for \(\displaystyle {\bf x}\in \mathbb{R}^{n}\). So I would like to ask if there is any theory may answer the following two questions:

1)For any twice continuously differentiable but indefinite function \(\displaystyle g_{i}({\bf x})\), on what condition, \(\displaystyle g_{i}({\bf x})\) is convex in a neighborhood of a point \(\displaystyle {\bf x_{0}}\in\mathbb{R}^{n}\) ? (A guess is that Hessian of \(\displaystyle g_{i}\) at \(\displaystyle {\bf x_{0}}\) is positive semidefinite. Is that the case?)

Just like the image above. The function is indefinite for all \(\displaystyle x\), but is locally convex in the neighborhood of \(\displaystyle x_{0}\), which is \(\displaystyle (x_{1},x_{2})\).

(2)On what condition, a neighborhood in \(\displaystyle S\) of a feasible point \(\displaystyle {\bf x_{0}}\in S\) is a convex set? (I suppose a sufficient condition is that every \(\displaystyle g_{i}({\bf x})\) and \(\displaystyle h_{j}({\bf x})\) is convex in a neighborhood of \(\displaystyle {\bf x_{0}}\). But is that necessary?)

Just like the image above. The set \(\displaystyle S\) is not convex, but is locally convex in the neighborhood of \(\displaystyle {\bf x_{0}}\) (the red triangle set).


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To be convenient...Please refer to the .zip attachment.
Um... that's not really "convenient". And nobody who is careful with Internet security is going to download files from an unknown source. :shock:

Please provide the text of your question, along with your work so far, in a reply to this thread. Thank you! ;)
In addition, since MicroSoft was barred from including "Word" with its operating system, many people cannot open that file.
Um... that's not really "convenient". And nobody who is careful with Internet security is going to download files from an unknown source. :shock:

Please provide the text of your question, along with your work so far, in a reply to this thread. Thank you! ;)

Thank you! I've edited the #1 and ask the question in text form.
Everybody, my questions can also be put like the following.I believe these three questions make it easier for you to answer exactly.

(1) Given a twice continuously differentiable function \(\displaystyle f(x),x\in\mathbb{R}\), it can be justified that \(\displaystyle f''(x)\) is not always positive for \(\displaystyle \forall x\in\mathbb{R}\). However, if \(\displaystyle f''(x_0)>0\), is \(\displaystyle f(x)\) ("locally") convex in some epsilon distance around \(\displaystyle x_0\)? (As shown in the 1st picutre in #1)

(2) Given a twice continously differentiable function \(\displaystyle f({\bf x}),{\bf x}\in\mathbb{R}^{n}\), it can be justified that Hessian Matrix of \(\displaystyle f({\bf x})\) is not always postive definite for \(\displaystyle \forall x\in\mathbb{R}^{n}\). However, if Hessian of \(\displaystyle f({\bf x})\) at \(\displaystyle {\bf x_0}\) is positve definite, is \(\displaystyle f({\bf x})\) ("locally") convex in some epsilon neighborhood of \(\displaystyle {\bf x_0}\)?

(3) Given a region \(\displaystyle S\) defined by \(\displaystyle g_{i}({\bf x})\leq 0 \quad i=1,2,...,N\) and \(\displaystyle h_{j}({\bf x})=0 \quad j=1,2,...,M\) and\(\displaystyle {\bf x}\in\mathbb{R}^{n}\) (usually \(\displaystyle S\) defines the feasible region of a general constrained optimization problem), where every \(\displaystyle g_{i}({\bf x})\) and \(\displaystyle h_{j}({\bf x})\) is twice continously differentiable. Here \(\displaystyle g_{i}({\bf x})\) is not convex for \(\displaystyle \forall {\bf x}\in\mathbb{R}^{n}\), \(\displaystyle h_{j}({\bf x})\) is not affinely linear, so \(\displaystyle S\) is not a convex set "as a whole". But for a feasible point \(\displaystyle {\bf x_0}\in S\), on what condition (I would like to know condition about \(\displaystyle g_{i}({\bf x})\) and \(\displaystyle h_{j}({\bf x})\), not just the "at + (1-t)b" definition of convexity set),a neighborhood of \(\displaystyle {\bf x_0}\) in \(\displaystyle S\) is ("locally") convex?(As shown in the 2nd picture in #1)
As to this question, if this kind of condition exists, Hessian of \(\displaystyle g_{i}({\bf x_0})\) and \(\displaystyle h_{j}({\bf x_0})\) is probably involved, as I guessed.

Thanks very much!
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What is your definition of "convex function". My experience is that questions "Is function f ****" can be answered by verifying the definition of "****" word by word.
What is your definition of "convex function". My experience is that questions "Is function f ****" can be answered by verifying the definition of "****" word by word.

Thanks for your reply. A convex function is convex if the mapping of the function has the property f(t*a + (1-t)*b) <= t*f(a) + (1-t)f(b). This is the generally accepted definition, which could be seen in any calculus textbook.

However, besides the exact definition, there is other theorems which could justify a funtion is "convex" in other aspects. Like the following,
If \(\displaystyle f\) is twice continuously differentiable and the domain is the real line, then we can characterize it as follows:
\(\displaystyle f\) convex if and only if \(\displaystyle f''(x)\geq 0\) for all \(\displaystyle x\)

Here, what I want to know is that if this kind of "condition" or "criterion" is sufficient and necessary to say a function or set is "locally convex", as I put in the three questions.

By the way, I also ask these three questions in MHF( A nice guy named chiro provides some opinions. But we are still discussing on these questions. It may help to understand what I want to ask. I'm happy to know your opinion on our discussions.

Thank you very much!