Converting to a percent


New member
Jun 11, 2009
I have a question that asks me to convert 4.55 x 10,000 to a percent. Do I divide this number (45,500) by 100 to get 455% or do I multiply it by 100 for 4,550,000%? Or will it simply be 45,500%?

Thank yu for your help. :?:
Let's convert the number .5 to a percent.
If we multiply .5 times say, 30, we get 15. It appears that 15 is half of 30.

Now, we are wondering... is .5 the same as 50% or the same as .005%? Can you decide whether to multiply .5 by 100 or divide .5 by 100 to get 50%? Do the same with your given number.

Let's try changing the number 3 to a percent. If we multiply 3 times 7 we get 21. Should we multiply 3 by 100 and add the percent sign or divide 3 by 100 and add the percent sign? In other words which is true?
300% of 7 is 21
.03% of 7 is 21

When you figure that out, do the same with your larger number.
funkydiscochik said:
I have a question that asks me to convert 4.55 x 10,000 to a percent. Do I divide this number (45,500) by 100 to get 455% or do I multiply it by 100 for 4,550,000%? Or will it simply be 45,500%?

Thank yu for your help. :?:

in order to convert to a percentage you always take the given number and divide by 100. so your answer would be 455% :)
svsoccer said:
funkydiscochik said:
I have a question that asks me to convert 4.55 x 10,000 to a percent. Do I divide this number (45,500) by 100 to get 455% or do I multiply it by 100 for 4,550,000%? Or will it simply be 45,500%?

Thank yu for your help. :?:

in order to convert to a percentage you always take the given number and divide by 100. so your answer would be 455% :)

No - NO - Double NO!!!

1% = 0.01___________________________ 0.01 = 0.01 * 100% = 1%
10% = 0.1___________________________ 0.1 = 0.1 * 100% = 10%
100% = 1____________________________ 1 = 1 * 100% = 100%

4.55 x 10,000 = 455,0000%
The message is authentic!
I concur..
sorry, just watched "Crimson Tide"..

half of something is 50% ................ 0.5 = 50%
all of something is 100% ................. 1 = 100%

4.55(10000) is 1 multiplied by 45500, which is 45500(100%) = 4,550,000%.

To change a fraction to a percentage, multiply by 100,
in this case the fraction is 4.55(10000)/1 or 455(100)/1.
funkydiscochik said:
I have a question that asks me to convert 4.55 x 10,000 to a percent. Do I divide this number (45,500) by 100 to get 455% or do I multiply it by 100 for 4,550,000%? Or will it simply be 45,500%?

Thank yu for your help. :?:

"percent" means "out of 100." 100% = 1

5% means 5 out of 100, or 5/100, or .05.

If you've got a number like 5, and you want to change that to a percent, you need to realize that 1 = 100%.

So, 5 = 5*100%, or 500%

4.55 X 10000, converted to a percent, is 4.55 X 10000 X 100%

You have gotten some conflicting answers here...some are flat-out wrong.

To change a number to a percent, multiply that number by 100, and affix a percent sign.

Here are some examples:

.025 = .025 X 100% = 2.5%

9 = 9 X 100% = 900%

3.5 X 1000 = 3.5 X 1000 X 100% = 3500000%

To change a "regular" number to a percent, multiply that number by 100 (or, move the decimal point TWO places to the right) and affix the percent sign.
Not to argue with Mrspi,but I personally prefer defining "per" as "divided by". Hence "miles per hour" means divide the miles by the hours. "Feet per second" means divide the number of feet by the number of seconds, etc. And, because "cent" means 100, we can interpret "percent" to mean "divided by 100", thus 5% means 5÷100, or 5/100 or 0.05. The rule becomes "To change a percent to a decimal, divide by 100 and remove the % sign."