Hello nmiller51:
There are different methods to convert from one unit of measure to another.
In this exercise, one way is to look up how many tons equal 1 gram, and then multiply that by 2.63.
If you can't find that information, then another way is to form unit-conversion factors from basic information that you can find. Like the following.
2000 pounds = 1 ton
1 pound = 16 oz
1 oz = 28.34952 grams
Multiplying some number of grams by the conversion factor (1 oz)/(28.34952 grams) converts to ounces.
Multiplying ounces by the conversion factor (1 pound)/(16 oz) converts to pounds.
Continuing with the conversion factor (1 ton)/(2000 pounds) converts to tons.
Notice how the units cancel, when using conversion factors.
\(\displaystyle \frac{grams}{1} \cdot \frac{ounces}{grams} \cdot \frac{pounds}{ounces} \cdot \frac{tons}{pounds} = \frac{tons}{1}\)
These cancellations tell us how to form the conversion-factor ratios. In other words, we know that we want to use (1 oz)/(28.34952 grams) instead of (28.34952 grams)/(1 oz).
Does any of this look familiar? Can you tell us what you already know about unit conversions? For instance, are you currently studying a particular method?
~ Mark