How can I show that this power series converges? I tried to solve they problem by writing eˆn out as a series as well, but it made everything more complicated.

∑ 1/(n*[FONT=monospace, Courier]eˆn) with n=0 and k=infinity[/FONT]
Will looking at it separately help me? Obviously 1/n diverges and 1/(e[FONT=monospace, Courier]ˆn) converges, right?
I'd greatly appreciate any help [/FONT][FONT=monospace, Courier]
How can I show that this power series converges? I tried to solve they problem by writing eˆn out as a series as well, but it made everything more complicated.
∑ 1/(n*[FONT=monospace, Courier]eˆn) with n=0 and k=infinity[/FONT]
Will looking at it separately help me? Obviously 1/n diverges and 1/(e[FONT=monospace, Courier]ˆn) converges, right?
I'd greatly appreciate any help [/FONT][FONT=monospace, Courier]