I have a calculus test coming up next week and I won't lie, I am completely lost on how to tell what tests to use and when, other than just trying them all and hoping for the right answer. I have a few homework questions that I'm not sure what tests to use.
1. 1/ln(n+1)
2. 1/n(ln(n))^2
I know I should use the direct comparison test on the first one because my teacher told us to use that one but I don't know what to compare it to. Once I know that I can figure out the rest. and on the second one, I don't know what test to use or how to tell..
1. 1/ln(n+1)
2. 1/n(ln(n))^2
I know I should use the direct comparison test on the first one because my teacher told us to use that one but I don't know what to compare it to. Once I know that I can figure out the rest. and on the second one, I don't know what test to use or how to tell..