You may also note that fractions (the messy guts of common denominators, etc) are not taught, nor is long division, nor many other topics. The current educationist philosophy, at least in the US, is that students shouldn't be "burdened" with actual computations. Anything that the calculator can do, it should do; in particular, the student should not do, as it would be bad for the student's self esteem (it is alleged).
Instead, students play with blocks ("tiles", "cubes", etc) and other "manipulatives", "discovering their own mathematics" (as there is, of course, no objective standard or reality). The "best" methods involve not teaching the students anything at all, leaving them to flounder about, lost, trying to rediscover millenia of mathematics on their own.
Assigning "no right answer" weeks-long projects (especially if one doesn't tell the students that there is no answer) is believed to enable the students to "grow their love of mathematics" and "discover their inner mathematician". By these "methods", educationists claim to enable students to "do 'real' mathematics", as the students are now utterly unencumbered by any actual arithemetical or algorithmic knowledge.
Please don't ask me why anybody actually thinks this makes sense. :roll: