conic sections questions


New member
Apr 18, 2006
we're now learning conic sections and i am absoulutely lost. Circles are okay but i have NO idea how to do anything for ellipses or hyperbolas...

for instance wat are the vertices of these and how do i go about solving them

and how would i go about solving a question that asks to find an equation with center 0,0 for... (Vertices (0,+-2) and minor axis length of 2? i kinda understand how to graph these but still very confused...any help appreciated thanks

p.s. i need things simplified to understand them, like i am smart but i have a hard time with advanced terminology and equations, but if they are very simplified i can go about solving them...thanks again
Please reply with the relevant "conics" formulas provided in the text and/or in class. (Different curricula provide different formulas using differently-name variables. Providing what you've been given will help you and the tutors stay "on the same page".)

Thank you.
