I made it through my laws of logarithms studies this morning, except for one problem.
Condense: logax + loga20 - log(x2+1) - loga10
loga(20x/10) - log(x2+1)
My next step is a change of base for: log(x2+1)
loga2x - (loga(x2+1)/loga10)
I'm not sure what to do next from here.
loga2x/((x2+1)/10) = loga(2x(10) / (x2+1))
The answer in my book is: loga(2x/(x2+1))
Thank you for the help. My next section is "The Number e and Natural Logarithms". Excited for the progress!
Condense: logax + loga20 - log(x2+1) - loga10
loga(20x/10) - log(x2+1)
My next step is a change of base for: log(x2+1)
loga2x - (loga(x2+1)/loga10)
I'm not sure what to do next from here.
loga2x/((x2+1)/10) = loga(2x(10) / (x2+1))
The answer in my book is: loga(2x/(x2+1))
Thank you for the help. My next section is "The Number e and Natural Logarithms". Excited for the progress!