rls4973 said:this is what i got for that one
4x^2-8 <<<<<<<<< Incorrect
hope this is right thanks
You are being careless - you arerls4973 said:once i got x(x=2) -x(x-2)-8 on top so that you will give u x^2=2x-X^2=2x-8 than my teacher said to combine like terms. am I missing a step?
rls4973 said:sorry typo I am still getting the same answer
which when you simplify and combine like terms I am getting
x^2+2x-x^2+2x-8 <<< Here you have '+x^2" and '-x^2' - they cancel out - how do you get 4x^2 in the step below?
than i get
rls4973 said:2x+2x i wasn't sure if that should just be 4x or 4x^2
Yes, because it is wrong, as the tutor explained and demonstrated. The fact that you don't seem to be aware of this suggests that you are probably needing extensive re-teaching on prerequisite material. :shock:rls4973 said:4x^2-8 is what i had above but someone told me it was wrong.