I was doing some system practice problems, and I ran into some issues with the eigenvectors I was getting and the eigenvectors my book was getting. for the system
A = ((3 -6),(3 5)), I got the eigenvalue to be 4 + sqrt(17)i, and when I set up my system for the eigenvectors, I got
V1(1+sqrt(17)i) + 6V2 = 0
-3V1 + (sqrt(17)i - 1)V2 = 0
Whenever I solved it, I got V1 = sqrt(17)i - 1 and V2 = 3, but my book got V1 = 6 and V2 = -1 - sqrt(17)i
I plugged both back into the system and both resulted in zeros, so for eigenvalues, are there multiple vectors that work or is there only one, and if there is only one, how do you know which one is the right one?
Also, I put the system into the symbolabs solver and they got the same answer I did.
A = ((3 -6),(3 5)), I got the eigenvalue to be 4 + sqrt(17)i, and when I set up my system for the eigenvectors, I got
V1(1+sqrt(17)i) + 6V2 = 0
-3V1 + (sqrt(17)i - 1)V2 = 0
Whenever I solved it, I got V1 = sqrt(17)i - 1 and V2 = 3, but my book got V1 = 6 and V2 = -1 - sqrt(17)i
I plugged both back into the system and both resulted in zeros, so for eigenvalues, are there multiple vectors that work or is there only one, and if there is only one, how do you know which one is the right one?
Also, I put the system into the symbolabs solver and they got the same answer I did.