completely forgotten!

How do you switch/change a decimal to a fraction????

Not all decimals can be changed to fractions (well, fractions of integers I should say).

For finite, say, 0.35245, rewrite it as 35245/100000 and reduce.

For repeating, there are several methods, but here is a way: 0.000123123123...

The repeating part is 123, write it over an equal number of 9's: 123/999. There are 3 zeros in front, so divide by 1000: 123/(999*1000).

If you have a number in front, add it and your new fraction as you normally would.
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Not all decimals can be changed to fractions (well, fractions of integers I should say).

For finite, say, 0.35245, rewrite it as 35245/100000 and reduce.

For repeating, there are several methods, but here is a way: 0.000123123123...

The repeating part is 123, write it over an equal number of 9's: 123/999. There are 3 zeros in front, so divide by 1000: 123/(999*1000).

If you have a number in front, add it and your new fraction as you normally would.

Thank you