complete the square for x^4 + 8(x^3) = 9(x^2) + 20x + 3


New member
May 21, 2007
The quartic equation x^4 + 8(x^3) = 9(x^2) + 20x + 3

how to complete the square on the left hand side? I tried to factor out an x^2 first

thank you
What will completing the square achieve? It won't solve the quartic for you. There don't seem to be any rational solutions to this equation.
toopercent said:
The quartic equation x^4 + 8(x^3) = 9(x^2) + 20x + 3

how to complete the square on the left hand side?
What "square" are you attempting to "complete"? The left-hand side contains a quartic, not a quadratic, and the terms are not in the proper form for any squared form that I'm familiar with...?

Please reply with the full text of and instructions for this exercise, along with a clear listing of what you have tried so far. Thank you.
