Compact functions w/ same zeros, then exists cont. fcn h : ℝ 4 → ℝ so f = gh or...
Problem: If f: ℝ4 →ℝ and g:ℝ4 → ℝ are two smooth functions with the same zeros, than it exists a continuous function h : ℝ 4 → ℝ so that f = g ⋅ h or g = h ⋅f.
Could you tell me how to start?
Problem: If f: ℝ4 →ℝ and g:ℝ4 → ℝ are two smooth functions with the same zeros, than it exists a continuous function h : ℝ 4 → ℝ so that f = g ⋅ h or g = h ⋅f.
Could you tell me how to start?
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