College Math


New member
Jun 2, 2010
I am trying to find the truth value of the statement: ~ q ? (p /\ ~r)

I am constructing the truth table but I am confused - never studied this while I was in High School

thanks for any help,
There are truth table constructors on line if you google.

But, start building your table with p, q,r:

The ~ means 'NOT'. The opposite of p, q, or r.

The /\ means AND. It's true if they're both true.

The => means IMPLIES or THEN. Its false when the first one is true and the second one false.

\(\displaystyle \begin{vmatrix} p&q&r&\sim q&\sim r&p\wedge \sim r& \sim q=>(p\wedge \sim r)\\T&T&T&F&F&F&T\\T&T&F&F&T&T&T\\T&F&T&T&F&F&F\\T&F&F&T&T&T&T\\F&T&T&F&F&F&T\\F&T&F&F&T&F&T\\F&F&T&T&F&F&F\\F&F&F&T&T&F&F\end{vmatrix}\)

Add all the separate parts of the statement to build your table. Start from the inside out. Like with algebra.

There is lots on line about these. Google truth tables and logic.
good afternoon - thank you for the explanation - I have looked on the net for truth tables and logic - but this just confuses me.
I will keep this as an example - thank you so much!
