coin flip (binomial) question: How many trials are needed to remove chance from being involved in these 4-flip all-heads 1/16 goal trials?


New member
Feb 7, 2024

I realize that the odds of getting any number of heads or tails in a row is based on the power of 2. So if I flip a coin 4 times, looking for 4 heads in a row, the odds of that happening are 1/16. So, in a perfect world :) or with an increasingly large number of 4-flip trials, four heads will show up closer to 1/16 of the trials.

I have a couple questions about this:

I think this first question is regarding p values..
1. How many trials are needed to remove chance from being involved in these 4-flip all-heads 1/16 goal trials?
- Or to at least to get chance down to under a certain %?

2. If I do 16 flips, how likely is it that four in a row will happen?

3. Would that be the same as looking for 10 in a row out of 1024 flips?

Thanks for any advice. This looks like a great forum,