Hello, Denis!
I hope it is obvious how I read the problem.
I read "the second 3-digit number" to mean "the next 3-digit number"
. . . . . the number comprised of the 4th, 5th and 6th digits.
I found that your interpretation has no solutions.
\(\displaystyle \text{We have: }\:ABCDEFG\)
\(\displaystyle \text{Then: }\:\begin{array}{cccc}&A&B&C \\ -&&&G \\ \hline &4&4&7 \end{array}\)
\(\displaystyle \text{Since }0 \le G \le 9\text{, then: }\:447 \le ABC \le 456\)
\(\displaystyle \text{And we find that none of these cases have solutions.}\)
\(\displaystyle \text{We have: }\:\begin{array}{cccc} & A&B&C \\ -&B&C&D \\ \hline & 4&4&7 \end{array}\)
\(\displaystyle \text{Example: }\:ABC = 447:\quad\begin{array}{cccc}&4&4&7 \\ - & 4&7&D \\ \hline & 4&4&7 \end{array}\)
\(\displaystyle \text{Example: }\:ABC = 456:\quad\begin{array}{cccc}&4&5&6 \\ - & 5&6&D \\ \hline & 4&4&7 \end{array}\)
So I believe I had the correct interpretation.