Christmas Party


New member
Nov 15, 2010
How many 8 ft by 2 and 1/2 ft tables will fit in a room 36feet 7 inches by 62 feet 11 inches for our Church Christmas Party? Thank you for your time and Assistance :D
sjjarm1 said:
How many 8 ft by 2 and 1/2 ft tables will fit in a room 36feet 7 inches by 62 feet 11 inches for our Church Christmas Party? Thank you for your time and Assistance :D

How much space do you need around each table for people to sit and walk around?
30 tables, allowing for 3' aisles ; *** = 2.5' by 8'
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  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  |36'
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You could use the leftover of 7" for one wider horizontal aisle
and the leftover of 4'11'' for one wider vertical aisle ..... for the fat eaters!

The Denis Table Arrangement Co. Illimited.
sjjarm1 said:
How many 8 ft by 2 and 1/2 ft tables will fit in a room 36feet 7 inches by 62 feet 11 inches for our Church Christmas Party? Thank you for your time and Assistance :D

There is no assumption here that the sides of the tables are parallel to the sides of the room.

Orientations of the tables where they (or at least one of them) are oblique in relation to the
sides of the room must be considered.