Challenge Question: int[0,1] (5x^4(1+x^10080)) / (1+x^5)^2018


New member
Feb 15, 2017
Hi guys, I am working on this challenge question but got stuck.
Problem : Integral from 0 to 1 of (5x^4(1+x^10080)) / (1+x^5)^2018. Hint is: 10080 = 5(2016).
First, I let u = x^5+1, then becomes du = 5x^4 dx. Then I plugged in 0 and 1 to the function u. It then becomes
integral from 1 to 2 of ((u-1)^2016 + 1) / u^2018 du.
I don't know how else to continue. Please help. Need it by tomorrow. Thank you!!
First, never "plug in". There is an appropriate method of "substitution" that you should find helpful.

Well, why not try some other substitution? Maybe take the whole denominator? Give it a go.