
Let r be the number that results when both the base and the exponent of a^b are tripled, where a and b are positive. If r=a^bX^b, where x is positive, then x equals

a) 3 b) 3a^2 c) 27a^s d) 2s^3b e) 3a^2b

Solve for x is the recipical of (1/x-1) is -2

Find all positive interger values of x and y that satisfy the equation 1/x+x/y+1/xy=1

that's it for now...if you get any of them tell me how plz.
Thanks a bunch
Hello, anna!

Find all positive interger values of x and y that satisfy the equation: 1/x + x/y + 1/xy = 1
Multiply through by xy: . y + x<sup>2</sup> + 1 .= .xy

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x<sup>2</sup> + 1 . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Solve for y: . y . = . --------- . = . x + 1 + ------
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x - 1 . . . . . . . . . . . x - 1

Since y is a positive integer, then (x-1) must divide into 2.
. . . There are only two possible values: .x = 2, 3

Answers: . (x,y) .= .(2,5), (3,5)
"Solve for x is the recipical of (1/x-1) is -2"

That should be RECIPROCAL; and your "is" should be "if";
would you like as careless an answer as your question is?

Rule: b/a is the reciprocal of a/b

Now TRY!
Hello, anna!

There are some typos in #1 . . .

1) Let r be the number that results when both the base and the exponent of a<sup>b</sup> are tripled,

where a and b are positive.

If r = a<sup>b</sup>X<sup>b</sup>, where x is positive, then x equals

a) 3 . . b) 3a<sup>2</sup> . . c) 27a<sup>s</sup> . . d) 2s<sup>3</sup>b . . e) 3a<sup>2</sup>b
We have: . (3a)<sup>3b</sup> . = . a<sup>b</sup>X<sup>b</sup>

. . . . . . (3<sup>3b</sup>)(a<sup>3b</sup>) . = . a<sup>b</sup>X<sup>b</sup>

. . . . . . (3<sup>3</sup>)<sup>b</sup>(a<sup>b</sup>)<sup>3</sup> . = . a<sup>b</sup>X<sup>b</sup>

. . . . . . (27<sup>b</sup>)(a<sup>b</sup>)<sup>3</sup> . = . a<sup>b</sup>X<sup>b</sup>

Divide both sides by a<sup>b</sup>: . 27<sup>b</sup>(a<sup>b</sup>)<sup>2</sup> . = . X<sup>b</sup>

We have: . X<sup>b</sup> . = . (27<sup>b</sup>)(a<sup>2</sup>)<sup>b</sup> . = . (27a<sup>2</sup>)<sup>b</sup>

Therefore: . X . = . 27a<sup>2</sup>