Capacity Formula


New member
Jan 8, 2011
I am trying to write a capacity formula for work.

I need to figure out how many orders the company is capable of delivering in one day.

I have: CC = AC(CD) - CA(CD) + [CP(CD)/2]

CC = Courier Capacity
AC = # of Active Couriers
CA = # of Morning Couriers
CP = # of Afternoon Couriers
CD = # of Deliveries per Courier

It seems like something is missing and I'm stuck.
What are you trying to do?. You did not say. Solve for CD?.
Looks like she just needs a formula?

Seems to me it should be (AC+CA+CP)CD
Galactus: I am trying to solve for CC

I'll try to explain better.

CC = AC(CD) - CA(CD) + [CP(CD)/2]

Courier Capacity (How many order the company is capable of delivering daily) = AC (#of active couriers throughout the whole day) x CD(How many orders each courier is capable of delivering daily) - CA(How many couriers are out-of-town in the morning [before 1300]) x CD + [CP(How many couriers are out-of-town in the afternoon [after 1301]) x CD/2]

We are trying to take into account the number of orders that the out-of-town couriers would be capable of and subtracting that amount to avoid skewing our in-town capacity.

Hopefully that helps.