Can u help plz!!


New member
Aug 3, 2005
write an equation compared to the equation of the standard parabola that satisfies the description of each parabola.

a) a parabola whose vertex is (0, -3)

b) a parabola whose vertex is (5, 1)

c) a parabola that opens down but is compressed vertically by a factor of 0.4

d) a parabola that has its vertex at (3, ) and opens down

e) a parabola that has its vertex at (-8, 6) and opens up, but is stretched vertically by a factor of 3, compared with the standard parabola

i did it but i don't knoe if i did it right :D
Just plug these vertices (h, k) into the vertex form of the quadratic:

y = a(x - h)<sup>2</sup> + k

You can leave "a" equalling "1", unless they specify otherwise, as in (c).

(In order for us to be able to check your answers, you will need to post them. Thank you.)
