Can anyone see where I go wrong (applied maths question...)


New member
Oct 22, 2023

Here is the question, sorry I posted here, couldn't find applied maths area.

Here is my solution ..


This method has given me correct answers for other questions, I don't see where I go wrong here ... even taken friction into account..

For some background here is a worked example from the book :


This is similar question to the one I can't get correct, this is in fact easier as it has no friction.
Seems the R I am using for the wedge of course is not the same R as the particle... but even using the new R value (mg) , I still don't get the answer ...
This is similar question to the one I can't get correct, this is in fact easier as it has no friction.
Did you try to solve Question 6 assuming there is no friction between the wedge and the table?
With zero friction I get 8g/21 .. still wrong ... [as in not getting the expected answer of 3g/11]
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Correct answer without friction should be 8g/21 ...

answer it is looking for with friction is 3g/11.

Best I can get is 19g/63
Did you try to use this formula?

[imath]\displaystyle N_p\sin\theta - \mu N_w = Ma_1[/imath]
Did you try to use this formula?

[imath]\displaystyle N_p\sin\theta - \mu N_w = Ma_1[/imath]

Presumably this is the F = ma formula ?

and the Sin here is you are resolving the force into vectors, yes .. I did .. doing that and subbing R (reaction force) into another equation gives me the value of 19g/63...

It's the normal forces on the wedge!

Yes, but that's the same as the weight force ... it doesn't move in the vertical direction so up force = down force.

edit sorry, I see i originally posted that it was friction ...
There is also another force. When the particle push on the wedge, there is a component of [imath]N_p[/imath] acts downward. Therefore the vertical forces on the wedge are:

[imath]\displaystyle \sum F_y = Mg + N_p\cos\theta - N_w = 0[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle N_w = Mg + N_p\cos\theta[/imath]
[imath]\displaystyle \sum F_x = Ma_1[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle N_p\sin \theta - \mu N_w = Ma_1[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle a_1 = \frac{N_p\sin \theta - \mu N_w}{M}[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle N_p\sin\theta = m(a_2\cos\theta - a_1)[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle N_p\sin\theta = ma_2\cos\theta - m\left(\frac{N_p\sin \theta - \mu N_w}{M}\right)[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle N_p = \frac{mg - ma_2\sin\theta}{\cos\theta}[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle \left[\frac{mg - ma_2\sin\theta}{\cos\theta}\right]\sin\theta = ma_2\cos\theta - m\left(\frac{\left[\frac{mg - ma_2\sin\theta}{\cos\theta}\right]\sin \theta - \mu N_w}{M}\right)[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle \left[\frac{mg - ma_2\sin\theta}{\cos\theta}\right]\sin\theta = ma_2\cos\theta - m\left(\frac{\left[\frac{mg - ma_2\sin\theta}{\cos\theta}\right]\sin \theta - \mu \left(Mg + \left[\frac{mg - ma_2\sin\theta}{\cos\theta}\right]\cos\theta\right)}{M}\right)[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle \left(\frac{mg - ma_2\sin\theta}{\cos\theta}\right)(M\sin\theta + m\sin \theta - \mu m\cos\theta) = Mma_2\cos\theta + \mu mMg [/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle 2gM + 2mg - mg\mu - 2a_2M\sin\theta - 2a_2m\sin \theta + \mu a_2m\sin\theta = Ma_2\cos\theta + \mu Mg [/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle - 4a_2M - 4a_2m + 2\mu a_2m - Ma_2 = \frac{\mu Mg - 2gM - 2mg + mg\mu}{\cos\theta} [/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle a_2 = \frac{\mu Mg - 2gM - 2mg + mg\mu}{\cos\theta (-4M - 4m + 2\mu m - M)} [/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle N_p(\sin \theta - \mu \cos\theta) = Ma_1 + \mu Mg[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle mg - ma_2\sin\theta = \frac{3Ma_1 + 3\mu Mg}{5}[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle mg - \frac{3Ma_1 + 3\mu Mg}{5} = ma_2\sin\theta[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle mg - \frac{3Ma_1 + 3\mu Mg}{5} = 2m\frac{\mu Mg - 2gM - 2mg + mg\mu}{(-4M - 4m + 2\mu m - M)}[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle 4mg - \frac{3ma_1 + 3\mu mg}{5} = 8m\frac{\mu mg - 2gm - 8mg + 4mg\mu}{(-4m - 16m + 8\mu m - m)}[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle 4g - \frac{3a_1 + 3\mu g}{5} = 8\frac{\mu g - 2g - 8g + 4g\mu}{(-4 - 16 + 8\mu - 1)}[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle 20g - 3a_1 - 3\mu g = 40\frac{\mu g - 2g - 8g + 4g\mu}{(-4 - 16 + 8\mu - 1)}[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle 20g - 3a_1 - g = 40\frac{\mu g - 2g - 8g + 4g\mu}{(-4 - 16 + 8\mu - 1)}[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle 19g - 3a_1 = 120\frac{\mu g - 2g - 8g + 4g\mu}{(-55)}[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle -209g + 33a_1 = 24(\mu g - 2g - 8g + 4g\mu)[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle -209g + 33a_1 = 24(5\mu g - 10g )[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle 33a_1 = 120\mu g - 240g +209g[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle 33a_1 = 9g[/imath]

[imath]\displaystyle a_1 = \frac{9g}{33} = \frac{3g}{11}[/imath]
Jaysus !!!

I did manage to get 3g/11, all I needed to do was include the normal force in calculating the Friction ...
Ill post my solution later ...
Jaysus !!!

I did manage to get 3g/11, all I needed to do was include the normal force in calculating the Friction ...
Ill post my solution later ...
Then, you are smarter than me. But my method of calculation has a benefit that yours might not have. I will tell you about it later. For now, let us see how you did it!