Hi, new here! If I'm not posting this in the right place please just let me know and because I'm not much of a mathematician, please point me in the right direction of where to post!
lets say I have a list that is composed of 5 numbers. Each of the numbers has been multiplied, divided, added too or subtracted from (all have had the same thing applied).
As an example,
The original list would be something like [32, 97, 77, 63, 101] and all of them have been multiplied by a random number (5543.667) and then divided by another random number (12.5), so the new list is [14191.78752, 43018.85592, 34148.98872, 27940.08168, 44792.82936]. I will only be given the new list, and will not know the numbers in the original list (except one of them).
The only thing that I am going to know is that 14191.78752 was originally 32. Is there anyone who can help me write an equation to use these two numbers to find the rest of the original numbers of the list? I know this probably isn't worded well but I'd appreciate any help anyone could give me. If this question has an obvious answer that i don't know please feel free to call me an idiot and if its poorly worded please just tell me and i'll try my hardest to explain it better!
Thank you!
lets say I have a list that is composed of 5 numbers. Each of the numbers has been multiplied, divided, added too or subtracted from (all have had the same thing applied).
As an example,
The original list would be something like [32, 97, 77, 63, 101] and all of them have been multiplied by a random number (5543.667) and then divided by another random number (12.5), so the new list is [14191.78752, 43018.85592, 34148.98872, 27940.08168, 44792.82936]. I will only be given the new list, and will not know the numbers in the original list (except one of them).
The only thing that I am going to know is that 14191.78752 was originally 32. Is there anyone who can help me write an equation to use these two numbers to find the rest of the original numbers of the list? I know this probably isn't worded well but I'd appreciate any help anyone could give me. If this question has an obvious answer that i don't know please feel free to call me an idiot and if its poorly worded please just tell me and i'll try my hardest to explain it better!
Thank you!