Can anyone explain pole and polar in simple terms that a highschooler can understand?

It will help if you give us a specific context in which the terms arose and if you give us the first specific sentence in the wiki article that did not make sense to you.

There is probably little in math that someone in high school could not understand if the student had enough background in math. But math is progressive. You cannot understand even very easy problems in calculus without understandiing algebra. You cannot solve most algebra problems without knowing basic arithmetic.
It will help if you give us a specific context in which the terms arose and if you give us the first specific sentence in the wiki article that did not make sense to you.

There is probably little in math that someone in high school could not understand if the student had enough background in math. But math is progressive. You cannot understand even very easy problems in calculus without understandiing algebra. You cannot solve most algebra problems without knowing basic arithmetic.
I saw the Tool "Polar or Diameter Line" in Geogebra Graphing Tool(Chrome App) and I wondered about this tool use case. There is a wiki about this tool
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