Calculus Problem


New member
Oct 27, 2010
Find the limit of the sequence if it converges;otherwise indicate divergence.
a[sub:13urg49k]n[/sub:13urg49k] = ln(7n-6) - ln(5n+7)

The sequence i got starting with a[sub:13urg49k]5[/sub:13urg49k] was -.098,-.02,.02,.06,.09,.11,.13,.15,.16

So i think it converges, but I'm not sure to what. Can somebody help with this problem
Note that \(\displaystyle ln(7n-6)-ln(5n+7)=ln\left(\frac{7n-6}{5n+7}\right)=ln\left(\frac{7}{5}-\frac{79}{5(5n+7)}\right)\)

As n grows larger and larger, the n term tends toward 0 and all that remains is the 7/5. See what the sequence converges to now?.
jwill22 said:
Find the limit of the sequence if it converges;otherwise indicate divergence.
a[sub:sftwk40t]n[/sub:sftwk40t] = ln(7n-6) - ln(5n+7)

The sequence i got starting with a[sub:sftwk40t]5[/sub:sftwk40t] was -.098,-.02,.02,.06,.09,.11,.13,.15,.16

So i think it converges, but I'm not sure to what. Can somebody help with this problem

jwill22, you can stay with the method of galactus, if you would prefer to.


\(\displaystyle \lim_{n \to \infty}\ln({\frac{7n - 6}{5n + 7})\)

Multiply the numerator and the denominator each by \(\displaystyle \frac{1}{n}\):

\(\displaystyle \lim_{n \to \infty} \ln( \frac{7 - \frac{6}{n}}{5 + \frac{7}{n}} ) =\)

\(\displaystyle \ln(\frac{7}{5}) \approx 0.336\)



I cannot tell from the values in your sequence that this would be convergent.