Calculus Maximum and Minimum: open rectanglar tank to have vol. 144m^3; edges of sides in 3:1 ratio; show that cost is...


Junior Member
Mar 6, 2024
Having trouble with this question Had a go and made minimum dimensions 12 x 4 x 3. The height being 3.
I’m presumably missing something.
Can you helpIMG_5912.jpeg
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Exactly but my calculations show least size of tank is 12x4x3 a height of 3 so not sure how you get to height of 1

cost of the lead lining is proportional to the surface area of the open container

if h = 3, then A = 144

if h = 1, then the area of the bottom alone is 144 … adding the area of the sides would make A > 144

I’d say you are correct.