Hello, in this question my main concern is to find the integration bounds The concentration of pesticide at a particular point on a strip of land depends upon how close that point is to a nearby river. Land closer to the river has a greater amount of water run off passing over it towards the river, resulting in a lower pesticide concentration. At a point which is of distance x km from the river, the amount of the pesticide concentration at that point is 300/square root(400-x^2)
parts per million. The strip of land in question starts at the rivers edge and ends 10km away.
(a) Compute the average amount of pesticide over the strip of land.
(b) Can this model be used to examine the pesticide con- centration up to 20 km away from the river? Explain
parts per million. The strip of land in question starts at the rivers edge and ends 10km away.
(a) Compute the average amount of pesticide over the strip of land.
(b) Can this model be used to examine the pesticide con- centration up to 20 km away from the river? Explain