Calculating salary (medical) for jobs + critical thinking problem


New member
Jun 14, 2019
I'm not quite sure how I'm not getting the salary from hourly to monthly in job postings. Am I missing something? Trying to figure out the breakdown so I can calculate for other things.

The salary range is listed as $23.52 / $4093 – $31.02 / $5397.
Work Hours:
M-F; 8-5

For $23.52 I don't get $4093. I get $23.52 x 45 hrs x 4= $4233.6

When I go backwards I get $4093 / 4 / 45 = $22.75

I've tried doing 44 hours or 43 42 and onward (whatever) in order to narrow it down in an attempt to deduce lunch breaks.

What am doing wrong? What are they factoring in that I am not to make up the difference to get the same number? Lunch breaks? Bonus? Health benefit deduction? Taxes (don't think it can be it)? They don't seem to list these things on job applications.

This enigma has been persistent whenever I read job listings (no matter for what job), and I want it to end. Is there a better way to go about this? Maybe my math is straight up wrong. I'm all ears. Any insight from people who are experienced in job listing/salary would be highly appreciated.
Here is what I did (and the result was the same for both salaries)
I computed the difference between 4233.6 and $4093and then divided this by 23.52 and got very close to 6hrs. Now 6 hours for lunch per month is 1.5 hrs per week = 90 minutes per week = 18 minutes per day. Exactly 18 minutes per lunch is an unusual amount.
Also for the record, there are NOT 4 weeks in a month. If there were 28 days per month and 12 month per year there would be 336 days per year, There are roughly 30.3 days per month. I immediately thought that was going to be your problem but then your method should give a lower amount than what is advertised. I am completely confused by this!
If you calculate the "work hour"/month, you would get ~174 hours/month for both rates.

Most of the organizations assign 2000 hrs/year including holidays/weekends and assign 167 billable hours per week.