based on weekly average of 8000 in sales calculate your gross weekly pay check before any taxes and deductions. if you work a full 40 hour week in sales
There are several positions for wait staff. The hourly rate is 3.60 and why weekly tip total ranges from 300 to 850. You are told that you an expect a weekly average of approximately 520 in tips. You would be scheduled to work five dinner shifted of 6.5 hours each for a total of 32.5 hours per week. Some nights you might be sent home early, perhaps after working only 5 hours. Thus your total weekly hours ming be fewer than 32.5
There are several positions for wait staff. The hourly rate is 3.60 and why weekly tip total ranges from 300 to 850. You are told that you an expect a weekly average of approximately 520 in tips. You would be scheduled to work five dinner shifted of 6.5 hours each for a total of 32.5 hours per week. Some nights you might be sent home early, perhaps after working only 5 hours. Thus your total weekly hours ming be fewer than 32.5
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