Can anyone answer this question:-
A mass of 5 tonnes and relative density of 9 lies on the sea bed, calculate the volume of wood of relative density 0.8 which when fastened to the mass will raise to the surface?
A 3.05m3
B 19.7m3
C 15.76m3
D 35.45m3
I can get close to 35.45m3 but not close enough, can anyone help?
A mass of 5 tonnes and relative density of 9 lies on the sea bed, calculate the volume of wood of relative density 0.8 which when fastened to the mass will raise to the surface?
A 3.05m3
B 19.7m3
C 15.76m3
D 35.45m3
I can get close to 35.45m3 but not close enough, can anyone help?