Brain Buster


New member
Apr 29, 2011
If i take a cat and i throw it amongst the pidgeons - how will the pidgeons react?....

Will they take it in their stride and treat it as a challenge to try to submit their foe? - or will they block their foe due to their inability to cope with its presence and hide in silence?

History suggests they will block and mutter amongst themselves.. But i may have that wrong??

Your thoughts guys??
Mr Dinz, this is a math board. Purpose is for students to ask for help.
Guys - point taken....

However i found from my brief use of your site that your responses provided were quite often patronising and almost being offered in a manner that appears to boost only your ego....

I visited a few forums out of interest and decided to provide a few responses... However i found in many cases if the questions were not delivered to your clearly very high standards, the feedback was very berating... I cant see that pleasing or assisting too many people.

Maybe something to think about if you actually want people continuing to seek your advice - which i did, at times, find quite helpful....

I reported Dinz1982 to a moderator for consideration as to an action to be taken. There is more than
sufficient evidence, in my opinion, to not welcome his posts anymore and disrupt the math forum with the
off-topic subjects, agenda, etc.


One of the unacceptable approaches in posting is to bait other users (instigate them)
into arguments or whatever else.