Binomial or Geometric distribution?


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Can someone please help me out with this. I've been trying for about forty minutes, but I'm not getting this. Trust me, I've done everything I can to try to look up strategies/tips on these types of problems, but it's not helping. I REALLY appreciate any assistance!

32% of employed women have never been married. Suppose you randomly select 10 employed women and determine marital history.

1) What is the random var X of interest here? Define X. Is X binomial, geometric, or normal?
2) If 10 employed women are selected at random, what is the prb that 2 or fewer have never been married?
3) What are the mean and standard deviation of X?
4) Find the prb that the # of employed women who have never been married is within 1 standard deviation of its mean.

70% of Americans are overweight. Suppose that a # randomly selected are weighed.

5) Find the prb that 18 or more of the 30 students in a class are overweight
6) How many Americans would you expect to weigh before you encounter the first overweight individual?
7) What is the prb that it takes more than 5 attempts before an overweight person is found?

Thank you so so so so much if you could help! I really appreciate it!
Are you asking sequentially and waiting with excitement to see when you find the first married? This might be Geometric. Check out #6 or #7 and see what that sounds like.

You're looking at a chosen population,

p = 0.32 -- Never married
q = 1 - 0.32 = 0.68 = -- Married
n = 10

It doesn't get any more Binomial than that. (except for 6 & 7)
The first group of questions if binomial, and the second set is geometic. Thanks, I've gotten that far so far.

I really don't know how to apply those numbers to the questions, though. I'm sorry, I usually keep up very well with stat. This topic is just a bit confusing for me.
No, #5 is Binomial

If there were four, rather than 10.

(p+q)^4 = p^4 + 4(p^3)q + 6(p^2)(q^2) + 4p(q^3) + q^4

What is the probability that 2 or more have been married? 6(p^2)(q^2) + 4p(q^3) + q^4
What is the probability only one has married? 4(p^3)q

May such questions can be answered.