Bicycle Wheels


Full Member
May 8, 2005
The diameter of one bicycle wheel is 28 inches and its spokes run from the hub (or center) to the edge of the rim. The diameter of another bicycle wheel 21 inches. What is the difference in inches between the length of the spokes of the two wheels?

Word problems are not easy to solve for most students.
This is the HONEST answer to your question.
Re: hey

greatwhiteshark said:
Word problems are not easy to solve for most students.
This is patently false. Get it out of your head. Remove the arbitrary obstacle from your mind and progress at a rate you will not have imagined previously.
I'm new to this site and to these forums. I don't know if there is a certain protocol to be followed when someone asks a question, seeking help, so I'll treat this one as though it had been asked by one of my students and not give the answer out on a "silver platter." :)

Imagine the wheel to be a circle, and a spoke of each wheel is the radius.

Hint: what do you know about the relationship between a circle's radius and its diameter?

Polya said to solve a problem, you must first understand the problem completely. Do you? If not, try making a diagram of this situation.

Once you understand the problem, form a plan of attack on the problem. To find the difference in the lengths of the spokes, you must first determine the lengths of the spokes, and then subtract the smaller length from the larger length.

Try that, and let us know how you fared!