Beta function


New member
Feb 21, 2020
Hello, guys, could you help me?

I have this definite integral and I know that the solution comes out in terms of the beta function. I don't think it's that hard to find, but I'm not getting it. How do you solve this?

[MATH]\int_0^k \sqrt[f]{k^f-x^f} dx[/MATH]
Can you please show us your work so we help you find your error?

You asked How do you solve this? On this forum we prefer to not give out answers but rather look at the students work and ask leading questions to help the student solve the problem.

So again, can you please post your work and someone here will surely help you. Thanks!
Sorry for taking too long to answer. I managed to solve it on my own, I was having a stupid trouble replacing the variables. But thanks for the help anyway!
(And just now I noticed that I made this post in the wrong section, sorry about that! If you want to move it or even delete it, no problem.)