The attached image shows a progress thermometer, it's a question from a foundation math book.
The answers to the questions are given in the book, which are:
a. £21898
b. £22960
c. £17874
answers a and b make sense if on the diagram we consider the figure next to the year as the amount of money raised at the END of that year. Using the same logic for question c, which is now asking for an answer based on a figure from the start of 1991, the amount raised at the beginning of 1991 would be the same as the amount raised at the end of 1990, which is £66600. This would mean that there's still £33400 required to hit the target £100,000. But the answer given (£17874) for question c only works if we consider £82126 as the starting figure for that year. I'm probably missing something very basic here but is the figure against the year the amount raised at the start or at the end of that year?
The attached image shows a progress thermometer, it's a question from a foundation math book.
The answers to the questions are given in the book, which are:
a. £21898
b. £22960
c. £17874
answers a and b make sense if on the diagram we consider the figure next to the year as the amount of money raised at the END of that year. Using the same logic for question c, which is now asking for an answer based on a figure from the start of 1991, the amount raised at the beginning of 1991 would be the same as the amount raised at the end of 1990, which is £66600. This would mean that there's still £33400 required to hit the target £100,000. But the answer given (£17874) for question c only works if we consider £82126 as the starting figure for that year. I'm probably missing something very basic here but is the figure against the year the amount raised at the start or at the end of that year?