Base Two and Base Tweleve


New member
Aug 26, 2005
Complete each of the following:

111 Base two + 1 Base Two=

TTT Base Twelve + 1 Base Tweleve =
Denis, you know I couldn't resist giving my .02 on something like this. DON'T FLOOD the board with questions without showing any work!
happy said:
Denis, you know I couldn't resist giving my .02 on something like this. DON'T FLOOD the board with questions without showing any work!

No need to ask my permission.
.02 should be spelt, as "two cents".
Flood is an unclear word: please use "fill excessively ".
"Could not" and "do not" have more dignity than couldn't and don't.

Finally: how do YOU know that I know?

Hello I have tryed to do the work but I cant get the right answer so thats when I come on here and ask to see if anyone can help me out. I am sorry for putting so many problems on this web page. I just thought someone could help me out. I have always had a very had time with math and I am just looking for some help. I hope everyone understands.
Thank you for all your help
If you know of any web pages I can go to get help please let me know. Thanks
It would be helpful if you showed what you have tried, said where you are stuck, and answered the question I asked you.

Thank you.
