bananas are transported in three stages, with price increase


New member
Oct 18, 2006
At a a local grocery store, the bananas they recieve are transported through three stages: from the farmer to the market, market to the wholsaler, and from the wholsaler to the grocery store. At eachstage, the price of the banannas increase by 20% of the previos price. If a person buys 80cents worth of bannas at the grocery store, how much was the farmer paid for thos bananas?

How would I do this question? :)
Farmer X
Market X+.2X=1.2X
Wholesaler 1.2X+.2(1.2)X=(1.2X)(1+.2)=(1.2)<SUP>2</SUP>X
Grocery [(1.2)<SUP>2</SUP>X]+.2[(1.2)<SUP>2</SUP>X]= (1.2)<SUP>3</SUP>X