Learning to use Mathematical software, seems I properly integrated d^2y/dx^2-3dy/dx+2y=2x-3 and thus revealed the primitive y=C1e^x+C2^(e2x) then plugged in x=1 y=0 and did obtain C1e+C2e^2=-1 as Ayer's shows in Chapter 2 Problem 3 , but do not understand his "C1=-C2=1/(e^2-e)" I do however understand what follows,
that C1e^x+C2E^2x+x will be y=x+e^x-e^2x/e^2-e that is if "C1=-C2=1/(e^2-e)" as he states.
that C1e^x+C2E^2x+x will be y=x+e^x-e^2x/e^2-e that is if "C1=-C2=1/(e^2-e)" as he states.