Average change rate of a function #15: 3xsquared, x=2, x=2+h


Junior Member
Jan 13, 2017
9–20 ■ A function is given. Determine the average rate of change of the function between the given values of the variable
(15) 3xsquared, x=2, x=2+h:mad:
Average chage rate of a function #15

This was how i worked on the problem for the average change rate even tho i got the wrong answer i'd like to know how to solve

15. f(x)=3xsquared, x=2, x=2+h

3x2 / 2-2+h =
3(2)squared-3(2+h)squared / 2-2+h

36-6+h squared / 2-2h
This was how i worked on the problem for the average change rate even tho i got the wrong answer i'd like to know how to solve

15. f(x)=3xsquared, x=2, x=2+h

3x2 / 2-2+h =
3(2)squared-3(2+h)squared / 2-2+h

36-6+h squared / 2-2h

Assuming your function \(\displaystyle f(x) = 3x^2 \) and not \(\displaystyle (3x)^2\)

Average rate of change \(\displaystyle =\frac{f(2+h)-f(2)}{(2+h)-2}= \frac{3(2+h)^2-3*2^2}{h} = \frac{3(4+4h+h^2)-3*4}{h} =\frac{12h+3h^2}{h}=12+3h\)...\(\displaystyle h\neq 0\)
Assuming your function \(\displaystyle f(x) = 3x^2 \) and not \(\displaystyle (3x)^2\)

Average rate of change \(\displaystyle =\frac{f(2+h)-f(2)}{(2+h)-2}= \frac{3(2+h)^2-3*2^2}{h} = \frac{3(4+4h+h^2)-3*4}{h} =\frac{12h+3h^2}{h}=12+3h\)...\(\displaystyle h\neq 0\)

thanks i get it now because of it i know what i did wrong and i think it was that i didn't use the function correctly in the beginning of solving the problem :eek: