
New member
Feb 12, 2007

What a great forum!

With this being my first post, please accept my apologies for this topic being placed somewhat haphazardly. I saw that this sub-forum was the most frequently viewed and concluded that I'd have the greatest statistical possibility of getting a reasonable response from it. (Painfully cheesy math allusion intended). With that said, please feel free to relocate this topic, should the need arise.

And my circumstances are these:

I'm all but mathematically inept. I have never passed a high school-level math class. I have the dubious distinction of being the "language type;" meaning that, when it comes to math, I have to work three times as hard to be one fourth as good as the average fifth grader. (More pathetic math innuendo, I know). Additionally, (And it continues), I'm in the process of joining the military, which means that I'll be facing the celebrated ASVAB test some time in the near future. With that being the case, I'm wondering if there are forum-ites here who're familiar with this test and who're also familiar with aiding those who aren't so mathematically inclined to do well on it. Specifically, I'm wondering if there are any study aides out there which have proven to be more effective than the others. And as an aside, I'm COMPLETELY open to suggestions, realizing that there are probably preparatory techniques and methods that haven't even crossed my mind.

Thanks so much in advance for any and all advice here.

Ryan Cox
Tacoma, Wa.
These may be facts
I have never passed a high school-level math class.
These are not
I'm all but mathematically inept.

I have the dubious distinction of being the "language type;" meaning that, when it comes to math, I have to work three times as hard to be one fourth as good as the average fifth grader.

those who aren't so mathematically inclined to do well on it.
Your #1 effort should be to eliminate the non-facts from your thinking. There is neither a system nor a tutor who can put into your brain a wealth of things that you are sure will not fit, or at least will require surgery to achieve a partial fit.

A quick internet search on "asvab study guide" produces many hits. Here are just a few.

Now get out there and achieve a 110!

If you have a specific question, feel free to present it here.
asvab help!!!!!!!!

I need help studying with the asvab I was hoping someone could help me!!!! I have been out of scholl for so long now that it seems impossible to remember all this but I know with the right help I can do it please anybody help???! Maybe more than math too! English, language, arithmetic, etc.... All of which I suck at! =/

UOTE=tkhunny;204002]These may be facts

These are not
Your #1 effort should be to eliminate the non-facts from your thinking. There is neither a system nor a tutor who can put into your brain a wealth of things that you are sure will not fit, or at least will require surgery to achieve a partial fit.

A quick internet search on "asvab study guide" produces many hits. Here are just a few.

Now get out there and achieve a 110!

If you have a specific question, feel free to present it here.[/QUOTE]