Assignment due on friday on numerical soln of ODE. Plz help!


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Hi i dnt knw anythin abt ODe's... ive gt an assignment n it, ive tried a book by kreyzig... bt i still cnt understand a thing... could any1 plz help me??

here are the questions:

1. Consider the IVP given as y' = t - y^2, y(0) = 1

Find y at t = 0.3 using h = 0.1 by using the
(1) Euler Method.
(2) Taylor Series Method of order 2.

2. Consider the IVP y' = t +y, y(0) =2
Find y(0.2) by using the FOrward - Euler Method by using

(1) h = 0.1
(2) h = 0.05

Compare your results with the exact solution and draw your conclusion

3. Consider the IVP y' = -y, y(0) =1
Find y(0.2) by using the Runge - Kutta Method with h = 0.1

4. Consider the IVP

y" - 2y' + y = t

y(0) = 0 , y'(0) = 1

Find y (0.2) by the Forward Euler Method using h = 0.1
ghazala said:
Hi i dnt knw anythin abt ODe's... ive gt an assignment n it, ive tried a book by kreyzig... bt i still cnt understand a thing... could any1 plz help me??
I'm sorry, but there is no "quickie" "fifty words or less" "secret" "easy" way to learn about ordinary differential equations. If you "dnt ["don't"?] knw ["know"?] anythin ["anything"?] abt ["about"?] ODe's ["ODEs"?]" and have been unable to learn the material through self-study, then I'm afraid you will need to enroll in an appropriate course, or series of courses, in order to learn the topic. :shock:

However, you might also want to conference with your academic advisor regarding this assignment. Since you know nothing about ODEs, obviously you've never taken a course in the material, so you should not have been placed in a course which requires that you already be capable in this area. Your advisor should be able to help facilitate a more appropriate course placement. Good luck! :D

re: assignment

eloo... lol, actually i took time to understand the formulas and i've done 3 of the nums, except the fourth one... i'm looking into it.. and i knw abt ODE's, i dnt knw abt the numerical soln of ODEs and its nt my fault if the lecturer didnt take time to explain anything.. anyway, thx for your advise :)
Re: re: assignment

ghazala said:
... the lecturer didnt take time to explain anything ...

This is most curious!

What exactly does the lecturer do during class if not lecture? (This is a rhetorical question.)


~ Mark :)

PS: yr txt-spk s vry nnyng; kp t p nd y'll nt g vry fr n lf
ghazala said:
i dnt knw anythin abt ODe's... ive gt an assignment n it, ive tried a book by kreyzig... bt i still cnt understand a thing...
ghazala said:
actually i took time to understand the formulas and i've done 3 of the nums, except the fourth one... i knw abt ODE's, ...
So you "don't know anything about" the topic, and yet you understand it quite well...? You show no work, but you've gotten most of this done...? I'm sorry, but I don't understand...?

ghazala said:
its nt my fault if the lecturer didnt take time to explain anything.
I'm not aware of anybody having said that it was somehow your fault. But if your instructor isn't providing any instruction, then your institution will likely want to know, so dismissal procedures can be put into motion. If enough of your classmates back you up, perhaps you could even get your tuition back, since, you say, you have not been provided any of the services for which you'd paid.

But I'm afraid we can neither provide the missing weeks or months of classroom instruction, nor can we assist in any legal proceedings again this instructor. Please consult with your academic advisor and your a solicitor
