Arithmetic Series Word Problem (Analysis)


New member
Sep 21, 2015
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right section for this question, so if not please redirect me to the correct subforum.

Q: There are k animal feeding stations arranged in a line with a supply hut. The stations are s yards apart and the nearest is t yards from the hut. An attendant carries n bags of feed, one at a time, to each feeding station. How far will he have traveled when he arrives back at the hut after servicing all stations?

Here's what I did, but I don't know if it's correct: (S.k denotes 'S of k')

S.k=(2t + 2(t+s)+...+2(t+(k-1)s))n
= n((k/2)(2(2t)+(k-1)2s))
= n((k(4t+2sk-2s))/(2))
= n((4kt+2sk^2-2sk)/(2))
= n(kt+sk^2+sk)
= nk(t+sk+s) yards
I follow the first bit of your reasoning. But I'm confused at your introduction of the variable n. For what does it stand? How is it related to any of the other variables in the problem? I suspect I know where it came from, but I could be wrong...