area enclosed by TWO curves


New member
Oct 17, 2005
i've got two parametric curves:

r = sin t
r = cos t

i want to find the area that the two curves share. i know what limits to use on the integration but what equation do I integrate?

What are the limits of integration? Are you supposed to find the area of one loop or something? Didn't your book give you a formula for polar-coordinate integrations?

well, i graphed it and it shows two oval-like curves that overlap. so it's not one of those "area under one loop" things. I have a formula for the area it's the integral from a to b of (1/2)r^2

but there are 2 r's so i don't know what to do!
iDoof said:
but there are 2 r's so i don't know what to do!
Without being able to see the specifics of the exercise as presented in your text, it's hard to say what they're wanting, but I would think that the two "r" functions should work just like when you had two "y" functions and had to find the area in between.

Hello, iDoof!

i've got two parametric curves: \(\displaystyle \;r\:=\:\sin(t),\;\;r\:=\:\cos(t)\)

i want to find the area that the two curves share.
i know what limits to use on the integration but what equation do I integrate?
Are you sure you know the limits?
              * * *
          *     |     *
        *       |       *
      *         |         *
                |             / θ = π/4
     *          |          */
     *          +       *:/*  *
     *          |    *::/::*     *
                |  *::/:::         *
      *         |*::/:::::*          *
        *       |:/:::::*
          *     *:::::*               *
                *                     *
                |*                   *
                |  *               *
                |    *           *
                |        * * *

For \(\displaystyle \theta = 0\) to \(\displaystyle \frac{\pi}{4}\), use \(\displaystyle r\,=\,\sin\theta\)

For \(\displaystyle \theta=\frac{\pi}{4}\) to \(\displaystyle \frac{\pi}{2}\). use \(\displaystyle r\,=\,\cos\theta\)